Introduction to Ethics in Coding/Technology
- Overview of ethical considerations in the field of coding and technology
- Understanding the importance of ethics in shaping the impact of technology on society
- Exploration of ethical dilemmas and case studies in coding/technology
Ethical Frameworks and Theories
- Introduction to ethical frameworks and theories relevant to coding/technology (e.g., utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics)
- Applying ethical frameworks to analyze and evaluate ethical dilemmas in coding/technology
Privacy and Data Protection
- Understanding the importance of privacy and data protection in coding/technology
- Exploration of privacy laws and regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
- Ethical considerations in collecting, storing, and handling user data
Bias and Discrimination in Technology
- Identifying biases in algorithms and machine learning models
- Understanding the impact of biased technology on marginalized communities
- Strategies for mitigating bias and promoting fairness in technology
Accessibility and Inclusivity
- Understanding the importance of accessibility and inclusivity in coding/technology
- Ethical considerations in designing technology for users with disabilities
- Implementing accessibility best practices in coding/technology projects
Environmental Sustainability
- Understanding the environmental impact of coding/technology (e.g., energy consumption, electronic waste)
- Ethical considerations in designing sustainable and eco-friendly technology solutions
- Exploring green computing practices and sustainable software development
Intellectual Property and Copyright
- Understanding intellectual property rights and copyright laws
- Ethical considerations in using and sharing intellectual property in coding/technology projects
- Respecting intellectual property rights and promoting ethical practices in coding/technology
Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking
- Understanding the importance of cybersecurity in coding/technology
- Ethical considerations in cybersecurity practices and policies
- Exploring ethical hacking and penetration testing as tools for improving cybersecurity
Social Responsibility and Tech for Good
- Understanding the role of technology in addressing social issues and promoting social responsibility
- Ethical considerations in developing and implementing technology solutions for social good
- Exploring examples of tech for good initiatives and responsible tech companies
Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct
- Understanding professional ethics and code of conduct in the field of coding/technology
- Ethical considerations in professional conduct, collaboration, and communication
- Promoting ethical behavior and accountability in coding/technology professions
Ethical Leadership and Decision Making
- Understanding the role of ethical leadership in coding/technology organizations
- Ethical decision-making frameworks for coding/technology professionals and leaders
- Promoting a culture of ethics and integrity in coding/technology workplaces
Project Week
- Students work on a final project applying ethical principles and considerations learned throughout the course
- Guidance and assistance provided by the instructor
- Presentation of final projects to the class